KNEC: Diploma in accountancy notes and revision kits

Diploma in accountancy

  • Managerial accounting
  • Financial accounting
  • Business finance
  • Auditing
  • Taxation
  • Company law
  • Course specialisation & entrepreneurship projects

80 Replies to “KNEC: Diploma in accountancy notes and revision kits”

  1. Kindly share the following notes and knec past papers;
    Accountancy notes as a unit in diploma in banking and finance.
    Branch banking law and practice
    Banking law notes.

  2. share with me social work and community

    ty development notes for module one and two. Knec and at how much and mode of payment

    1. Am Bonface a diploma student in accountancy. I kindly requesting u can share with me notes on managerial accounting, Financial accounting, Business finance please.

  3. also please share with me some notes and some past papers on managerial accounting,financial accounting ,company law ,taxation and business finance through thank you.

  4. may you kindly assist me with revision materials that’s past papers for the following units
    taxatin,auditing,company law,managerial accounting,financial accounting

    1. I am a Diploma in Accountancy Student in the Rift Valley. How can I access the following notes: Managerial Accounting notes and Financial Accounting. Thank You very much for your consideration.
      Yours Faithfully,
      Samuel Auchi

  5. can I please have notes on managerial accounting,taxation,financial accounting,company law,businness finance and auditing.

  6. kindly may you assit me with diploma in accountancy notes please…for all the units

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